The HROA offers something for every owner
Message from the Commodore
Judy Walker
Commodore HROA
Explore our website to get an idea of all the advantages of membership of your boat’s Owners Association, you’ll see what we do
and what we offer, but to get the full advantages of the site of course you’ll need to be a member.
Join the HROA
On the Water
Summer Cruise
We have a Summer 'rolling cruise' when Members may join or leave as their own sailing plans dictate. In recent years we have visited Holland, the North Coast of France and the Channel Islands, and the West Country from Falmouth to Dartmouth.
Two Major Rallies
Usually at Yarmouth in the Spring and at Lymington in the Autumn. Both involve activities ashore and dinners in the Royal Solent Yacht Club and Royal Lymington Yacht Club, respectively.
Local Gatherings
Rallies and other ad hoc gatherings are also arranged by Members in their local area.
Off the Water
Winter Visits and Talks
Visits have included: North Sails, the BMW Mini factory, Chatham Dockyard, Lewmar, SS Great Britain, the Royal Mail Museum, Southampton VTS and Bletchley Park, as well as other makers and suppliers of HR parts and spares.
Courses and Seminars
On many topics of interest, including safety at sea, survival, diesel maintenance, sail and rig tuning and much more..
Social Programme
The major event of the winter social programme is the Annual Dinner and AGM, hosted at the Royal Thames Yacht Club in Knightsbridge, London. Other events include walks, pub lunches and numerous informal gatherings of members.
Knowledge and Communications
Our Members
Our members are our greatest asset. Many are hugely experienced HR owners who have sailed all over the world. They are only too pleased to share their knowledge.
Members receive regular information about Association activities via emails and eBulletins. The Blue Line, our in-house colour magazine is published annually, whilst our comprehensive annual Handbook includes directories of Members and their yachts and other information about the Association.
Online Resources
Our website supports a full range of discussion Forums. To keep in touch ashore or while sailing, you can join our two extremely popular 'closed' Facebook Groups, available to HROA members only.
Companies offering discounts to HROA Members or advertising in our Magazine